Project Iron Mommy: Month 13
Miles Run: 659.62
Longest Run: 20 Miles

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Martian Training: Week 1

Miles Run Today: 3

I've celebrated my first week back "in training" by registering for a 10k race that will fall in the middle of my training, as the mileage begins to creep closer to that magic 13.1. I think its nice to have shorter races on the schedule while working towards a much longer event. The longer event is great motivation for following the training plan, but it helps to have a couple of short races on the calendar to get you through as the weeks slog on and adding miles seems less exciting. Especially this time of year when just about everything seems tedious! So, March 18th will find me dressed in green (eek, I'll have to find some!) and lined up to run the ShamRock 'n' Roll 10k in Plymouth. These are the same folks who hosted the Wicked Halloween run that Oren and I completed. They did an impressive job for a new race company so I'm more than happy to do another one of their events. I'm extra happy to support them as Plymouth is much easier for me to get to than Ann Arbor or Detroit, two cities with other major St. Patrick's Day runs but much further away. In general SE Michigan is drenched in athletic events, but they always seem to require a drive. As not only a mom of young children but a nursing mom, I am On The Clock. As such, I'm always on the look out for events with the shortest possible drive.

I'm feeling good, midway through Week 1 of my half-marathon training plan. I've just completed two back to back three mile runs. That's six miles in just over 24 hours, a lot for this chicky! I'm patting myself on the back, especially since the treadmills had no working TV yesterday (NO!) and I still haven't recovered my tunes... it was some serious mental conditioning. My schedule calls for another three miler tomorrow, but as I never run even two days in a row, much less three, I am leaning towards doing only a couple of miles if any. I don't want to screw these legs up right off the bat! Maybe I'll go swim instead. Or walk with the dog. We shall see. I'm not stressing about it at all and will definitely tend towards not overdoing it this time around.

And perhaps as a show of support, I believe my littlest peanut has turned a corner on sleep! We've been doing some sleep training with her, albeit in a more gradual form then what we did with her older brother, but it is finally paying off (oh, thank you!). I just hope it sticks. Waking up after having spent the entire night in my bed makes me feel like I can climb mountains, swim upstream, tame wild children and (most importantly) run for miles and miles!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Officially: IN TRAINING

I start training for the April 14th Martian Half Marathon (Dearborn, MI) tomorrow! My two practice weeks went well. I didn't get all four runs in, but I am up to three weekly runs from zero in December so I'm focusing on the improvement. I've purchased swim goggles and have been swimming with my family, but have yet to jump into the lap pool. The bike, unfortunately, hasn't moved an inch. And I managed to leave my Shuffle at the YMCA, clipped to a treadmill (still hoping to recover it). In spite of those details, I am ready to start this training plan! My "long" run is back up to 3.5 miles (yesterday) so I'll be ready to run four miles in a week and then to bust on past that in the next few weeks. I'm ready for some really long runs!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Right Goals

Miles Run Today: 3

This week I bought some new swim goggles and ran three separate times (twice outside). I can tell that I'm on the right track because I'm finally anticipating my runs instead of dragging them around on my millstone of a "To Do" list. Having a reasonable plan, even one I haven't started yet, makes me feel like there is specific progress to be made. More importantly, having a goal that feels more attainable than possibly fatal has definitely improved my spirits. I feel like I am back on track to rescuing the Athlete Me. One more week of "practice" before I start my half-marathon training plan next week. I'm really looking forward to it.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A New Year and A New Race, A New Plan

Miles Run Today: 2.5

Yes, it is a new year and a new month and no, I am still not running regularly. I'm lucky if I get out once a week and didn't run at all for the two weeks surrounding Christmas. I was pleased to get new warm running clothing from Tom for Christmas (as requested) and extra happy to get a chance to run while visiting my parents- on the trail I used when I trained for the Detroit Marathon five years (a million years?) ago. But no, no routine yet.

I did crank up the stakes though, by registering for the Martian Half-Marathon on April 14. I will be completing this race in 14 weeks! Plenty of time to train for it if I start now. Which I shall. Here's my plan:

Half Marathon Training Schedule: Novice 2









1 (1/22)



3 m run

3 m run

3 m run


4 m run




3 m run

3 m pace

3 m run


5 m run




3 m run

4 m run

3 m run


6 m run




3 m run

4 m pace

3 m run


7 m run




3 m run

4 m run

3 m run


8 m run




3 m run

4m pace

3 m run


5-K Race




3 m run

5 m run

3 m run


9 m run




3 m run

5 m pace

3 m run


10 m run




3 m run

5 m run

3 m run


10-K Race




3 m run

5 m pace

3 m run


11 m run




3 m run

5 m run

3 m run


12 m run

12 (4/14)



3 m run

2 m pace

2 m run



This is the Novice 2 Half Marathon plan created by Hal Higdon, which I've tweaked to fit my schedule. I've had tons of success training with Mr. Higdon's plans from 5k up through the full enchilada. (Sidenote: I actually met him at the Chicago Marathon Expo back when I lived there and had my photo taken with him!) This may sound negative, but I am certain I won't get in all these workouts- particularly the midweek runs. But, I've positioned the workouts so that it is theoretically do-able (insert God laughing with me, not at me). Kid #1 is at day care on Mondays and Wednesdays, so I can do my crosstraining on Mondays. I imagine swimming for days I get to the Y, biking when I don't. Both will require some prep- I currently have no goggles (gasp!) and my bike has a punctured tire, is resting in the laundry room with one wheel off and is covered in (a lot) of dust. It needs to get put back on the stationary trainer and receive some TLC. Maybe I'll use Netflix as an incentive- I can finally watch Glee! Then my mid-week long run I will do at the Y on Wednesdays. I purposely split up the weekend stuff so that I would only have one workout during Sat/Sun. That way I can just aim to get it done on the day that works for us and won't have another workout to juggle or more time to spend apart from the family.

I think this should work! The good news is that since this is a 12 week plan and I have 14 weeks till race day, I have two weeks to "practice" this schedule and get myself into a groove.

Ready, set, go!